A candid dad-daughter podcast where all generations weigh in to discuss how wealth is actually a three-sided prism - character, intellect and finance.
Chris Raper (Boomer) sits down with daughter Brittany (Gen Z) & guests to ask the questions you can't Google about family & money. Join us around the table as though this were the end of a long dinner with trusted loved ones - when the good wine comes out, along with the good conversation. Wisdom is traded, perspectives are challenged & honest thoughts confessed. Let's get into. All ages welcome.
EP #8: Navigating Stressful Markets with Eileen Kelly, Wealth Advisor & Professional Athlete
As the Trump tariffs have caused a lot of angst recently, Aspira’s two wealth advisors bound together to talk about what we can control in stressful markets: how we think and how we act. Our guest, Cross Border Wealth Advisor Eileen Kelly (Millennial), speaks to “how we think” from her training as a professional golfer with top sports psychologist, Jim Murphy (you may recognize him as the author of New York Time's Bestseller Inner Excellence, the book A.J. Brown was reading on the Eagles football field). Having consistently executed a high level of performance amongst fierce competition in PGA tournaments around the world, she shares the secrets of her training and how it can help us navigate stressful markets. Cross Border Wealth Advisor and co-host, Chris (Boomer), shares his veteran wisdom on “how we act” from his investment career and as a student of history. Plus, we all discuss how each of our generations receives and processes the news – TikTok anyone?
EP: #7 Planning our First Family Wealth Meeting with Alexa Wowchuk (the other daughter)
We may be hypocrites for saying this but... we've never actually had a "family wealth meeting" as a family. Boomer dad Chris would like to start though. Since we can't feasibly host our entire family on the podcast and record our first family meeting live (we considered it), we thought we would do a a live "prep meeting" with Chris and Brittany and the other daughter/sister, Alexa (Millennial). Things got vulnerable pretty quick. From family narratives, to what successful wealth management means to us, to the nitty gritty practical's, to the role of grandparents, to fighting dragons - we are so glad we had this conversation ahead of time.
After listening to our Y&S 101 episode, you may be thinking, "Okay, but how do I actually start investing then??". Welcome to 102! Here we outline a 5-step-process that you can use to make your first investment and that you can come back to for any investment decision in the future. To cap it off, Chris shares some hard-earned practical tips and Brittany walks through a real-life example with Chris to see how this 5-step-process plays out. Listen, take out your headphones and go open that FHSA!
EP #5: Your Parents’ Last Days with Dr. Mike Jones
*Unbeknownst to us at the time of recording, this episode was recorded on Chris's dad's last day. This makes it all the more special to us and hopefully to you as well. *
You either have already, are currently, or will in the future navigate caring for your parents in their final chapter. Chris spent a great deal of time since January caring for his dad, who is now in his final chapter and after all the financial planning he has done for countless clients, it is not how he pictured it. As our good friend Dr. Michael Jones knows, having been the doctor to many patients in their last days, it never is. Most of us wish we had of talked through all the details before anyone got sick. From a medical, financial, and emotional perspective, this is what to expect and how to prepare for when things go south, when your parents are in their final chapter.
EP #4: Funding Post-Secondary Across Generations
What is the best way to save for your kids or grandkids education? And what should a student do if no one saved anything for them? Chris and Brittany get into the 4 different ways to fund a post-secondary education, and which way will serve you and the generations to come best. Chris resurrects some unexpected financial advice he gave Brittany around student loans repayments. Brittany shares her experience navigating the workforce with an arts degree. Chris also gets to nerd out about the sectors where he predicts massive job opportunity in the next 10-20 years. Education is one of the most incredible opportunities we have to help grow the generations to come. Let’s make sure we ring everything we can from it.
EP. #3 YOUNG & SCRAPPY: Mastering the Basics
Our intermittent series YOUNG & SCRAPPY is made for 25-35 years old who want to set themselves up for success financially. We recognize that not everyone has a Financial Advisor for a dad. When you are starting out, the reality is you are largely relying on your own decision making. Chris has learned some things over the years about what young people can do with their money habits to best serve them throughout life. Brittany has benefited, but also has more questions. Consider this an open family discussion and you are part of the family. If you didn't have a financial-advocate-mentor-friend-in-your-court, now you do. In this one: spend less than you make, paying yourself first, anti-budgeting, good debt vs bad debt, the magic of compound interest, owner vs lender, and finally how to get started investing.
EP #2: GIVING with Jason Roberts
Just in time for the Holiday season, we sit down for a humbling discussion about being generous. In Canada right now, only about 18% of us report giving in our tax filings (The Giving Report, 2023). In 1990, that number was 29.5%. Researchers have even given this staggering statistic a moniker, “the Giving Gap”. With an incredibly unique story, Jason provides valuable insights about how we teach our children to be generous and why it matters. Chris gets uncomfortable (as usual!) reflecting back on raising his kids. Brittany is given new hope for her fellow young people.
EP #1: WELL-BEING with Dr. Tanis Farish
Who else watched the blue zone documentary? For us, it was an incredible reality check that we can gather money, build relationships, achieve career success, and have a family, but none of that matters if we aren’t able (or even around!) to enjoy it. Health and well-being is probably every parent’s ultimate wish for their kids at the end of the day. And yet, as Chris (Boomer) said before recording this episode, “what does wellness even mean??” We’ve brought on Dr. Tanis Farish to have a deep discussion on this question. Brittany (Gen Z) is elated to get her dad in the room for this eye-opening conversation. If your family gets heated when talking about mental health, exercise, and wellness – this is a good listen for all ages.
To start the podcast, we wanted to check in with our own family. In this pilot, we sit down with Ann and Harold - Chris's 88 and 92 year-old parents, aka Brittany's Grammy and Grandad. In a candid discussion between widespread generations, we unpack the experiences in our family and in our world today. Brittany had some humbling thoughts on how hard work was taught in our house, Harold highlighted some key differences on the economy now compared to his day, Ann had some wonderful insights on the unspeakable value of relationship and Chris tried to shine some light on how things will change for the young people of today.
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